A values-based learning community


Our three Federation schools have their own distinct identity and styles, but they are united in a shared approach and shared methodology across the Federation.

 In all of our schools, inclusivity and a warm welcome to everyone are at the heart of everything we do – in our schools everyone is welcome; everyone is safe.

 In all three schools, children are carefully nurtured and we attend closely to their sense of well-being, security and self-esteem. In all three of our schools, we have senior staff trained in attachment-aware approaches which helps us to support children’s social and emotional development.

 Across the Federation we are developing a single ‘joined up’ curriculum which is distinct in its approach: we use Questions for Learning to stimulate enquiry-led learning and to foster curiosity. We have made sure that our curriculum design includes opportunities for ‘Sparkle’ – in other words we make sure that we put the quality of children’s experiences at the heart of all we do. In all three schools we focus sharply on the most effective pedagogical approaches using our understanding of metacognition to make sure children develop as learners – learning how to learn is a crucial part of the curriculum!

 Please do explore our schools’ websites to find out more about each school’s distinctive identity and character. The children in our Federation schools work towards a set of Values, Characteristics and Commitments; find out more below!



We believe that all children should feel secure and successful in the basics of Maths and English and the wider curriculum; we use innovative methodologies based on the latest educational research to support children in becoming expert learners, whatever their starting points.

We teach the children to be curious, to strive to be successful in their learning and to understand how learning works.

Responsible Attitude

We encourage pupils to take responsibility and to have confidence in what they can achieve. We recognise and esteem positivity and optimism - supporting the children in becoming trustworthy, mindful people. We encourage our older pupils to take on school leadership roles focusing on different aspects of school life. We have high expectations of the children - and just as importantly we want them to have high expectations of the staff!


We understand that speaking fluently and with confidence is as valuable a skill as reading, writing and mathematics. We teach children to be mindful of the words they use. We have established a unique speaking culture using daily teacher-lead discussion to help children develop their confidence with spoken language. We encourage the children to find their own voice, and to understand the power of using the right words for the right job.



Children have a natural sense of wonder at the world – at Riverside we spark, promote and nurture this feeling. We make time to think and reflect. Learning about our world can be astonishing and mind-boggling! If a child experiences wonder, and that feeling is shared by those around them, they will have the confidence and imagination to achieve amazing things.

Yorkshire Grit

Life is not always easy. Yorkshire Grit (that’s what resilience is called around here) is about developing strength of character through perseverance and determination. We teach children to keep trying until they can do something, not to give in because it may be difficult. This also to builds resilience; if a child develops emotional strength they will achieve more. We encourage learners not to think ‘I can’t..’ but rather ‘I can’t yet!’


Our commitments

  • Personalised support for every child

  • Extraordinary, highly skilled teachers who go the extra mile for each child

  • Deft academic focus to secure mastery of the basics

  • A unique speaking culture to develop the oral skills of every child

  • A focus on wellbeing, Yorkshire Grit and emotional resilience so that children are prepared for whatever life throws at them

  • Project-based, enquiry-led learning with hands-on activities and ‘real’ experiences where children have the chance to make things and share their achievements

Pupil commitments

  • To make everyone feel welcome in the school

  • To be honest

  • To use good manners

  • To respect the environment, other people and their property

  • To show zero tolerance of unkindness

  • To always put in our best effort

  • To persevere