Moments that sparkle in Year 5


Aged 9 to 10 years old, Year 5 is when the children are hitting their stride. Confident, articulate and raring to go, our Year 5 children spend a glorious year covering everything from Vikings through to exploring the Solar System in science!


Yorvik Viking Centre

Learning off the page can bring a subject alive, and being so close to York by train, Year 5 take advantage of the great resource the Yorvik Viking Centre! Experience a trip around a recreation of a Viking settlement, the children also get hands on with history in workshops led by the expert staff. Just don’t ask if they had horns on their helmets!

Experiences like this are especially valuable - sharing this learning with friends makes great learning memories.

Practical Design and Technology

Building on the skills learnt in Years 3 and 4, Year 5 get their hands on hammers, nails and saws when they come to learning about woodwork and design building a bird hide. Working through the whole design process - prototypes, choice or materials and colour, evaluating final pieces - the children work together in constructing their own hides. When this learning is happening it’s the loudest (and happiest) classroom in the school…even if there might be a few sore thumbs!

Learning to take risks responsibly sets your children up far better to navigate choices as they grow older.

Skateboarding…in school?!?

We’re always looking to encourage children to get active, and as part of our Sports Premium funding, we brought in a skateboarding workshop to the school for Year 5. If you don’t know already, there’s a fantastic skate park right next to the school in Calder Park, and by giving our amazing Year 5 children a taste of life on a skateboard, we hope to inspire many hours outside in the fresh air, practicing those skills in the park.

This is just one of many workshops we’ve invested in at Riverside.


Riverside Year 3


Riverside Year 6